Dr. Sherry has an abundance of natural products and supplements to support your treatment goals. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids make people’s bodies work properly. Although you get vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat every day, some foods have more vitamins and minerals than others.

Vitamins fall into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K — dissolve in fat and can be stored in your body. The water-soluble vitamins — C and the B-complex vitamins (such as vitamins B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate) — need to dissolve in water before your body can absorb them. Because of this, your body can’t store these vitamins. Any vitamin C or B that your body doesn’t use as it passes through your system is lost (mostly when you pee). So you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day.

Minerals serve three roles:

1) They provide structure in forming bones and teeth
2) They help maintain normal heart rhythm, muscle contractility, neural conductivity, and acid-base balance
3) They help regulate cellular metabolism by becoming part of enzymes and hormones that modulate cellular activity

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein . The body has twenty different amino acids that act as these building blocks. Nonessential amino acids are those that the body can synthesize for itself, provided there is enough nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen available. Essential amino acids are those supplied by the diet , since the human body either cannot make them at all or cannot make them in sufficient quantity to meet its needs. Under normal conditions, eleven of the amino acids are nonessential and nine are essential

Definitions for Amino Acids are show below –  click here to jump to its bookmark.

Definitions for Minerals are show below – click here to jump to its bookmark.

Definitions for Vitamins are show below – click here to jump to its bookmark.

Amino Acids Overview

Amino acids are the chemical units or “building blocks” of the body that make up proteins. Protein substances make up the muscles, tendons, organs, glands, nails, and hair. Growth, repair and maintenance of all cells are dependent upon them. Next to water, protein makes up the greatest portion of our body weight. Amino Acids that must be obtained from the diet are called “Essential Amino Acids”; other Amino Acids that the body can manufacture from other sources are called “Non-Essential Amino Acids”.

Alanine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Alanine plays a major role in the transfer of nitrogen from peripheral tissue to the liver; aids in  the metabolism of glucose, a simple carbohydrate that the body uses for energy; guards against the buildup of toxic substances that are released into muscle cells when muscle protein is broken down quickly to meet energy needs, such as what happens with aerobic exercise; strengthens the immune system by producing antibodies.

Arganine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Considered “the Natural Viagra” by increasing blood flow to the penis; retards the growth of tumors and cancer by enhancing the immune system; increases the size and activity of the thymus gland, which manufactures T cells, crucial components of the immune system; aids in liver detoxification by neutralizing ammonia; reduces the effects of chronic alcohol toxicity; used in treating sterility in men by increasing sperm count; aids in weight loss because it facilitates an increase in muscle mass and a reduction of body fat; assists the release of growth hormones, which is crucial for “optimal” muscle growth and tissue repair; is a major component of collagen which is good for arthritis and connective tissue disorders; aids in stimulating the pancreas to release insulin.

Aspartic Acid (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Increases stamina and is good for chronic fatigue and depression; rejuvenates cellular activity, cell formation and metabolism, which gives you a younger looking appearance; protects the liver by aiding the expulsion of ammonia; combines with other amino acids to form molecules that absorb toxins and remove them from the bloodstream; helps facilitate the movement of certain minerals across the intestinal lining and into the blood and cells, aids the function of RNA and DNA, which are carriers of genetic information.

Cysteine & Cystine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Functions as a powerful anti-oxidant in detoxifying harmful toxins; protects the body from radiation damage; protects the liver and brain from damage due to alcohol, drugs, and toxic compounds found in cigarette smoke; has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and hardening of the arteries; promotes the recovery from severe burns and surgery; promotes the burning of fat and the building of muscle; slows down the aging process. Skin and hair is made up of 10-14% Cystine

GABA (Gamma-amino butyric acid)

GABA functions as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, decreasing neuron activity thus preventing them from over-firing. With niacinamide (B3) and inositol, GABA prevents anxiety and stress-related messages from reaching the motor center of the brain, and is essential for brain metabolism.

GABA has been used in the treatment of depression, manic-depressive (bipolar) disorder, seizures, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (feeling depressed), and anxiety. GABA serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter to block the transmission of an impulse from one cell to another in the central nervous system. GABA has powerful stabilizing effects on blood pressure. GABA is very effective analgesic, eliminating pain from chronic conditions such as arthritis and lower back pain. GABA supplements can help to relieve the intensity of pain. They may also lessen pain-related nerve impulses.

GABA naturally stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete higher levels of human growth hormone (HGH). GABA signals the pituitary gland to release HGH. HGH is a hormone that is widely known for its powerful anabolic (muscle building) effects as well as it’s lipotropic (breakdown and utilization of body fat) effects. Human growth hormone is produced stored and secreted by the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain.

GABA has been used to treat both epilepsy and hypertension where it is thought to induce tranquility in individuals who have a high activity of manic behavior and acute agitation. Levels of GABA in the brain may influence seizure activity in individuals with epilepsy. GABA appears to inhibit nerve cells in the brain from firing and setting off seizures. GABA analog gabapentin has been approved in the United States for the treatment of epileptic seizures and post-herpetic neuralgia.

Glutamine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

The most abundant amino acid found in muscles; helps build and maintain muscle tissue; helps prevent muscle wasting that can accompany prolonged bed rest or diseases such as cancer and AIDS; a “brain fuel” that increases brain function and mental activity; assists in maintaining the proper acid/alkaline balance in the body; promotes a healthy digestive tract; shortens the healing time of ulcers and alleviates fatigue, depression and impotence; decreases sugar cravings and the desire for alcohol; recently used in the treatment of schizophrenia and senility.

Glutamic Acid (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Is an important neurotransmitter for the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord; important in the metabolism of sugars and fats; aids in the transportation of potassium into the spinal fluid; acts as fuel for the brain; helps correct personality disorders, and is used in the treatment of epilepsy, mental retardation, muscular dystrophy, and ulcers.

Glycine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Retards muscle degeneration; improves glycogen storage, thus freeing up glucose for energy needs; promotes a healthy prostate, central nervous system, and immune system; useful for repairing damaged tissue and promotes healing.

Histine (Essential Amino Acid)

Is found abundantly in hemoglobin; has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, ulcers and anemia; is essential for the growth and repair of tissues; important for the maintenance of the myelin sheaths, which protect nerve cells; is needed for the production of both red and white blood cells; protects the body from radiation damage; lowers blood pressure, aids in the removal of heavy metals from the body; aids in sexual arousal.

Isoluecine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Is needed for hemoglobin formation; it stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and energy levels; it is valuable to athletes because it aids in the healing and repair of muscle tissue, skin and bones; it has been found to be deficient in people suffering from certain mental and physical disorders.

Leucine (Essential Amino Acid)

Works with Isoleucine and Valine to promote the healing of muscle tissue, skin, and bones; is recommended for those recovering from surgery; lowers blood sugar levels; aids in increasing growth hormone production.

Lysine (Essential Amino Acid)

Ensures adequate calcium absorption and maintains a proper nitrogen balance in adults; helps form collagen (which makes up cartilage and connective tissue); aids in the production of antibodies which have the ability to fight cold sores and herpes outbreaks; lower high serum triglyceride levels.

Methionine (Essential Amino Acid)

A powerful anti-oxidant and a good source of sulfur, which prevents disorders of the hair, skin, and nails; assists the breakdown of fats, thus helping to prevent a buildup of fat in the liver and arteries, that might obstruct blood flow the brain, heart, and kidneys; helps to detoxify harmful agents such as lead and other heavy metals; helps diminish muscle weakness; prevents brittle hair; protects against the affects of radiation; beneficial for women who take oral contraceptives because it promotes the excretion of estrogen; reduces the level of histamine in the body which can cause the brain to relay wrong messages; helpful to individuals suffering from schizophrenia.

Ornithine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Helps to prompt the release of growth hormones, which promotes the metabolism of excess body fat (this effect is enhanced if combined with Arganine and Carnitine); is necessary for a health immune system; detoxifies ammonia and aids in liver regeneration; stimulates insulin secretion and helps insulin work as an anabolic (muscle building) hormone.

Phenylalanine (Essential Amino Acid)

Used by the brain to produce nor epinephrine, a chemical that transmits signals between nerve cells in the brain; promotes alertness and vitality; elevates mood; decreases pain; aids memory and learning; used to treat arthritis, depression, menstrual cramps, migraines, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia.

Proline (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Improves skin texture by aiding the production of collagen and reducing the loss of collagen through the aging process; helps in the healing of cartilage and the strengthening of joints, tendons, and heart muscle; works with Vitamin C to promote healthy connective tissue.

Serine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Needed for the proper metabolism of fats and fatty acids, the growth of muscle, and the maintenance of a healthy immune system; is a component of the protective myelin sheaths that cover nerve fibers; is important in RNA & DNA function and cell formation; aids in the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies.

Taurine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Strengthens the heart muscle, boosts vision, and helps prevent macular degeneration; is the key component of bile, which is needed for the digestion of fats; useful for people with atherosclerosis, edema, heart disorders, hypertension, or hypoglycemia; is vital for the proper utilization of sodium, potassium, and magnesium; helps prevent the development of potentially dangerous cardiac arrhythmias; has been used to treat anxiety, epilepsy, hyperactivity, poor brain function, and seizures.

Threonine (Essential Amino Acid)

Helps maintain proper protein balance in the body; is important for the formation of collagen, elastin and tooth enamel; aids liver and Lipotropic function when combined with Aspartic Acid and Methionine; prevents the buildup of fat in the liver; assists metabolism and assimilation.

Tryptophan (Essential Amino Acid)

A natural relaxant, helps alleviate insomnia by inducing normal sleep; reduces anxiety and depression and stabilizes mood; helps in the treatment of migraine headaches; helps the immune system function properly; aids in weight control by reducing appetite; enhances the release of growth hormones; helps control hyperactivity in children.

Tyrosine (Non-essential Amino Acid)

Is important to overall metabolism; is a precursor of adrenaline, nor epinephrine, and dopamine, which regulate mood and stimulates metabolism and the nervous system; acts as a mood elevator, suppresses the appetite, and helps reduce body fat; aids in the production of melanin (the pigment responsible for hair and skin color) and in the functions of the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands; has been used to help chronic fatigue, narcolepsy, anxiety, depression, low sex drive, allergies, and headaches.


Essential constituent of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid).

Valine (Essential Amino Acid)

Is needed for muscle metabolism and coordination, tissue repair, and for the maintenance of proper nitrogen balance in the body; used as an energy source by muscle tissue; helpful in treating liver and gallbladder disease; promotes mental vigor and calm emotions.

Mineral references begin here, citing the brand “Aegis,” sold through Dr. Sherry:

Minerals are the building blocks of the body. Minerals are the conveyors of electricity and magnetism, act as structural components, play an integral part in making digestive enzymes and are in tissues and internal fluids of all living things. Minerals neutralize of displace waste poisons from out cells. Vitamins and amino acids cannot be absorbed without minerals. Mineral deficiency can cause serious problems, such as a calcium deficiency being linked to osteoporosis. In many situations, minerals act as a catalyst (imagine the body as an expensive car… the minerals act as the key that starts the engine thereby enabling all the car’s systems to start and aiding them to function properly.)

Minerals simply cannot be overlooked as major components of a healthy body. Minerals affect the acid/alkaline balance of our bodies. Most disease begins with a mineral deficiency. Mineral toxicity of deficiency can cause oxygen depletion that brings on pain, energy loss, disease and even death. Some symptoms of mineral deficiency may manifest itself as: thyroid problems, weak immune systems, anemia, fatigue, poor taste and smell, insomnia, depression, nervous tension, learning disabilities, hormone imbalance, sugar imbalance, diabetes, brain fog, cystic fibrosis, anorexia, obesity, osteoporosis, loss of hair color or hair loss, allergies, memory loss, muscle cramps, arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, poor circulation, varicose veins, wrinkles, psoriasis, abnormal blood pressure, lack of potency, organ degeneration and heart disease.

Our bodies are complex pieces of machinery that function on whatever nutrients we give them.

The fact they function at all is indeed miraculous. Medical professionals are continually discovering new things about our systems and their functions. However, the majority of those in the medical field do not teach the ‘masses’ about the beneficial dietary aids that assist the body in so many ways. We are constantly subjected to chemical derivatives and synthetic drugs instead of the basic nutrients of which our bodies are composed. Hopefully, this information will help in understanding better how important these things are to us and out very existence here. Given the necessary tools, the human busy is usually able to repair itself.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Boron

Boron is a mineral that is an activator. it helps to activate or cause many other functions to happen within the body. Boron is one of the main minerals that are used in building bones within the body. It is used to initiate estrogen in the bone building process. It does this by helping to convert the Vitamin D into an active state for the Calcium absorption (when calcium is taken in the compound molecule state). Boron also helps metabolism in the bone to take place. With this metabolism properly functioning, Osteoporosis is not a major factor to a person’s health. Once Osteoporosis sets in, Boron can play a major role in helping the body to replace the calcium that is no longer there.

It also assists in preventing arthritis and tooth decay. Boron is one of the necessary minerals for the actual rebuilding of joint cartilage in its formation and repair. Boron is essential in maintaining the correct levels of Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus in the body. As you can see, Boron plays many roles within the human body. One most people are not familiar with is its role in helping to maintain brain function and memory capabilities within the brain. It also helps to regulate hormones, especially estrogen, but also testosterone.

Boron deficiencies can cause the cell walls to become very weak and fragile, so proper transfer of nutrients is not capable to the individual cells. As you can see from this one particular mineral, many functions in the body are dependant upon it. Many people have never even heard of a Boron supplement, or even considered taking it. Boron, with its interactions with calcium and other minerals becomes a very important part of a long chain that intertwines all of the minerals to individual cell growth.

Many of the symptoms of Boron deficiencies include arthritis, brittle bones, carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative joint disease, hormonal imbalance, loss of libido, memory loss, muscle pain, osteoporosis, receding gums, and weak joint cartilage.

Walter Soluble, nano-sized Calcium

Calcium deficiency is known to cause 134 different illnesses.  Calcium comprises more than 50% of the mineral content of the body.  We are at risk of being calcium deficient as we age because our hydrochloric acid is almost non existent, and most calcium is in a compound for (calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, etc…) and must be broken down to be absorbed, when it’s not entirely absorbed, there is a tendency for the body to deposit it.  THAT’S WHY THE WATER SOLUBLE FORM IS SO IMPORTANT; it will actually replace the macro molecules that have deposited in the body in tissues that may actually cause pain and debility.

Calcium’s really important for denture wearers t keep the jawbone solid.  The body uses 75-99% of it’s calcium with phosphorus, boron, manganese, silica, magnesium copper and zinc.   Calcium is used in every thought passing in the brain and for nerves to transmit impulses.  Calcium is good for insomnia, stress, depression and aging.   Calcium helps to purify blood and control blood pressure

Extensive studies have been done using the macro mineral calcium.  What has been discovered is that calcium is a key factor in many of the body’s systems and functions.  It has been used for muscle cramps and spasms, normal growth and development, maintenance of bone strength and bone density, as a buffer for the stomach against acid buildup, to promote the natural release of hormones in the body, to help regulate heart function, blood clotting and muscle function, to aid in the reduction of high blood pressure and to assist the nervous system with its various transmission to the cells.   Most of the body’s calcium is found in the bones and teeth with very little actually going to the blood itself.  It is believed that about 20% of the body’s calcium is reabsorbed and replaced each year.

Many of the signs of Calcium deficiencies include: Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, arthritis, poor growth, heart palpitations, cataracts, weak muscles, fragile bones painful joints, nerve disorders hypertension, stiffness, tingling sensation in hand s and feet, periodontal disease and insomnia.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Chromium

Chromium helps our bodies regulate metabolism, insulin and blood sugar levels. Chromium aids in weight loss by stimulating enzymes that metabolize glucose for energy. It also plays an important role in the liver synthesis of fatty acids (bums fat). Chromium helps the body’s metabolism after the food is in the blood stream. Chromium helps the pancreas and other organs keep all of this in balance. This is why chromium is so very important to our bodies.

When our body is deficient in chromium, it takes twice as long for insulin to remove glucose from the blood. This slows down the whole sugar glucose process, causing the whole body to become more reactive to every other thing that is happening within it. Chromium enhances insulin performance and glucose utilization. It also helps to carry proteins in the body. There are many things that deplete the body of chromium. Refined sugar causes the body to deplete the chromium levels within it. Also the refining of starches and carbohydrates robs the food of its chromium. As we get older, our bodies are unable to store as much chromium as we could when we were younger.

Chromium is available in our foods naturally but has become so depleted in our soils that it is nearly impossible to receive enough usable chromium from just eating food. if we could get all the chromium we needed from our food, would the onset of diabetes be so high? So we must look at getting the majority of our chromium from supplements.

Minerals have a natural attraction to be attached to something. This is why you cannot buy just chromium, or calcium etc. Mother Nature dictates this. So, when you buy chromium, you usually get chromium picolinate. Picolinate is a protein. When it is attached to chromium, the natural bond formed between the two becomes super-tight. This is why only one in eight normal healthy adults have a digestive system healthy enough to cause this bond to be broken during the digestive process. If you are taking chromium picolinate, you are probably getting very little chromium that is usable to your system.

Elemental water-soluble chromium works the best. This form of chromium is already in the perfect state to enter the body (it does not need to be digested). It is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream through the upper stomach wall, before reaching the lower part that performs digestion. When taken in water-soluble form, chromium is readily available in the body when needed.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Cobalt

When most people think about Cobalt, they consider it a radioactive mineral. This is untrue. A preconceived belief about Cobalt exists in the minds of most people because they are not even aware that Cobalt is needed as an essential mineral in the human body.

Many of the more informed natural health clinics have started using Cobalt to treat today’s health problems. The human body only needs small amounts of Cobalt, but it is very essential that it be there. There is not a large storage area in the body for Cobalt, as it is stored in the red blood cells, with smaller amounts stored in the Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, and Spleen. As one can understand, by having the storage area being the red blood cells, with their continuous dying process, the small amount of Cobalt needed by the body must be replenished regularly to maintain the necessary levels within the body.

With today’s health problems of Fibromyalgia, ligament problems, muscle strains, and related types of injuries, Cobalt becomes very important because one of its main jobs is to rebuild the Myelin Sheath. With the amount of chemicals the human body takes in either from breathing pollution, absorption through the skin, and ingestion of foreign chemicals, the damage to the nerves and Myelin Sheath becomes very apparent in today’s societies. Cobalt also increases the effectiveness of the glucose being transported from the blood into the individual cells. At the same time, it increases the assimilation of iron and helps to cause an increase in building of the red blood cells. So, as you can see, Cobalt is very important to our bodies’ circulatory systems,

To be able to get enough Cobalt in the body and keep from becoming toxic because of large molecules, an adequate amount of the correct size must be assimilated within the body. Cobalt is also a very important agent to the ability of the body to absorb Vitamin B12. Cobalt also stimulates many of the enzymes that are produced in the body and keeps the performance of the normal cells in proportion. Because normal supplemental Cobalt has a very low absorption rate and a very high rate of excretion, Cobalt toxicity is not common, but if it does occur, can lead to the enlargement of the Thyroid Gland.

Some of the symptoms of Cobalt deficiency include anemia, slow growth rate, poor circulation, fatigue, Myelin sheet damage, digestive disorders, and nerve damage.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Copper

Copper is most concentrated in the liver, heart, kidneys, brain, bones and muscles and is essential in the blood. Trace amounts are present in all body tissues. Copper increases iron assimilation. Iron and Copper work together in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Anemia can be a Copper deficiency symptom. Various enzyme reactions require Copper. Copper influences protein metabolism and general healing, improves vitamin C oxidation and is integral in the formation of RNA. Low or high Copper levels can be found in those with mental and emotional problems. Copper helps rid the body of parasites and is beneficial for graying and thinning hair. Copper excess is not common because only a small percentage is assimilated, but toxicity problems can present serious disease states.

Some symptoms of a Copper deficiency include allergies, anemia, aneurysm, arthritis, dry/brittle hair, edema, Gulf-War Syndrome, hernias, high blood cholesterol, hypo and hyper thyroid, hair loss/baldness, heart disease, Kawasaki disease, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, oppressed breathing, parasites, Parkinson’s Disease, reduced glucose tolerance, ruptured disc, skin eruptions or sores, white or gray hair, varicose veins, and wrinkled skin.

Some symptoms of Copper excess (toxicity) are anxiety, depression, insomnia, joint and muscle pains, post-partum psychosis, stuttering, and Wilson’s Disease (paranormal Copper assimilation which leads to excessive Copper in the brain, liver, kidney and corneas of the eyes)

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Germanium

Much of the research on Germanium has been very recently completed or is still in the process of being done. Many new discoveries about what Germanium actually does in the body are being reported all the time. Researchers have found out that Germanium is very necessary for optimal health.

Germanium is one of the minerals that help to raise the level of activity in many of our internal organs. It actually facilitates oxygen uptake into the organ to make the organ more healthy and usable. It also assists in expelling harmful pollutants and stop many germ activities in the organ. Germanium, being a very important mineral to the electrical fields of the body, readily accepts and gives up electrons. It serves as an electrical semiconductor, helping to correct distortions in the electrical fields in the body. In the Far East, use of acupuncture Germanium levels are very important to facilitate the stimulation of the acupuncture points and their electrical charge functions.

If the body is very low in Germanium, then the nerve impulses also have a hard time maintaining their normal function. Germanium is known to be in low proportions when you have a compromised immune system. Also, it is quite common for Germanium to be low if you have cancer or symptoms of low energy. Logically, in this state, the human body cannot transfer the electrical impulses around to maintain optimal health within the individual cells. By increasing the Germanium levels within the body, this electrical transfer can become more normalized. Many bacterial, viral, and fungal infections may be present when Germanium levels are low. This stems from the inability of the body’s electrical system to transfer electrons to these particular problems because all of the above problems (i.e. Bacterial) maintain an open electron chain within their function. If an electron can be transferred to them, it will cause them to break up, die and pass out of the body. If the Germanium level is low, then this electron transference many not happen. This is some of the newest information that is coming available on the mineral Germanium.

Some symptoms of Germanium deficiency include asthma, cancer (breast, lung, bladder), cardiac insufficiency, hypertension, hepatic cirrhosis, leukemia, neuralgia, nephritis, neurotic disorders, and softening of brain

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Gold

Gold has not only been an element that has been used for monetary trading, but has also been used in the health and well-being of people since the beginning of time. Many ancient civilizations would wear Gold because they thought it would bring them health and happiness. In reality, one of the things Gold actually does is to create a general euphoric feeling within the body as well as enhance the body’s natural defenses against illness. It was also known to promote longevity and vitality in the body.

When the proper amount of Gold is present within the cells, it is known to improve glandular functions. Initially when you take Gold, it causes your body to relax, but over a period of time, it also raises the energy levels of the body. It is an accepted theory that Gold helps repair damaged DNA. Gold is one of the most effective minerals used to reduce joint inflammation and when used with aspirin, relieves many arthritic pains very speedily. It is not analgesic but may have anti-inflammatory effects upon the body.

Gold has also been known for many centuries to help in the beauty and healthiness of the skin. This is why many cosmetics will try to include Gold within their formulas to help purify and make the skin more pliable. When Gold is combined with copper, a tremendous rejuvenation happens within the skin tissue. Gold is also a good mineral to carry other products deep into the tissue.

Some of the symptoms of Gold deficiency include arthritis, brain dysfunction, chills, cancer, circulatory problems, depression, digestive disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, gland dysfunction, hot flashes, insomnia, joint inflammation, night sweats, and obesity.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Iodine

Iodine is a very vital mineral within the body. Most people consider that they receive enough Iodine within the iodized salt they eat in their general food intake. A lot of the Iodine within the salt has such an electrical charge that it is not released in the body, but carried on through the body and disposed of in the urine.

One reason a lot of our metabolisms are slow is because of a lack of Iodine in the body. Iodine is called the “metabolizer”, as it has one of the highest vibratory frequency rates of all elements. Its main effect within the body is on the thyroid gland, which controls many happenings within the body. When Iodine levels are low, the thyroid cannot keep the body in a quickened state of health, so everything seems to slow down.

Iodine restores the temperature or heat in the body and assists the calcium in the repair of tissue. Iodine is mostly stored in the thyroid, but smaller amounts are in the muscles and bones. Indirectly, Iodine has a major affect on a lot of the systems in the body through the thyroid gland. Hormones, which are produced by the thyroid gland, help control the metabolism of the body, increasing the assimilation of salts. So, the faster your metabolism is (being close to normal), the more salt you will process, resulting in an increase of Iodine in the body, bringing it up to normal speed. If you do not have enough Iodine, then the salt taken in cannot be processed and does nothing except upset the acid/alkaline balance of the body.

Iodine, through the thyroid gland, also helps control a lot of the digestion that goes on and regulates heart rate, body temperature, central nervous system, reproductive system, and body weight. Iodine is known to destroy harmful toxins in the brain and helps to neutralize toxins in the rest of the body. Iodine also aids in the assimilation of calcium and silicone. Dry and scaly skin is a good indication of an Iodine deficiency.

Symptoms of Iodine deficiency include acne, depression, frustration, goiter, hormonal imbalance, hyper- and hypothyroidism, lethargy, miscarriages, scaly or dry skin, and sterility or infertility. An accepted method by many natural doctors of a self-test to see if a person is low on Iodine is to take external Iodine and place a one-inch square on a lower leg portion. After application, the color left from the Iodine should last 24 hours. If it fades away prior to 24 hours, then you are low on Iodine. Example: if it disappears in twelve hours, then you are approximately 50% low.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Indium

Indium is a wonderfully beneficial trace mineral. It is a catalyst that helps the body convert other minerals into usable form. While Indium improves the absorption of other minerals, Indium itself can be very difficult to assimilate.

Indium in its natural form is always attached to another mineral. To be used by the human body, it must first be isolated and put into water-soluble form. Unfortunately, the human body is incapable of breaking Indium apart from the other minerals. Therefore, any Indium obtained from natural food sources is totally unusable. Thus, we must rely on modern technology to provide us with indium in a usable form as it is a remarkable mineral.

As a catalyst, Indium helps the body process other minerals. It improves the body’s overall health by improving the health of individual cells. Indium also enhances a person’s sense of well-being. It also helps minimize depression and anxiety fears. Indium even helps balance blood sugar levels, appearing to make a significant difference for people striving to either lose or gain weight. Indium also helps increase the absorption of chromium into the spleen, lungs, liver, heart, and kidneys.

Indium has been proven helpful for the following: increasing energy, lowering high blood pressure, balancing hormones, balancing the thyroid, rebuilding the immune system, and reducing lactic acid buildup during exercise. Indium is also beneficial for people who suffer from anemia, bowel problems, poor physical strength, irritability, fatigue, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological problems. In addition, Indium is good for people who are fighting cancer.

Indium is found in nature in four different forms including one that is radioactive. That radioactive form is used by the pharmaceutical world as a prescription medicine for treating prostate cancer. Indium is the only mineral known to naturally seek out and destroy cancer cells and cancerous tumors.

Indium in non-radioactive form has the same characteristic of seeking out diseased cells. Research shows that indium actively goes after cancer cells and tries to correct the abnormalities within them. No claims are being made that indium cures cancer, but it may help relieve much of the pain and many and the affects that cancer has on the human body.

The Food and Drug Administration has determined that consuming Indium is totally safe. According to their studies, Indium does not cause toxicity unless a person takes 20,000 times more than a nutritional amount. When water-soluble Indium is consumed in amounts used for nutritional purposes, the indium is usually totally used by the end of the day. Since the body does not store Indium, none of its benefits can be realized unless it is consumed on a daily basis.

When looking for a source of Indium, it is important to remember that it must be taken in a form that is usable in the body. Otherwise Indium remains unusable and does no good. Our bodies cannot break it down. Fortunately for us, Indium is now available in water-soluble form. It’s an easy-to-take liquid that is 100% usable and absorbing.

Relatively new to the ‘health’ scene, this mineral is one of the magic bullets for anti-aging… It is basically non-existent in our bodies after 25 years of age.  A rate and hard-to-find mineral, especially in supplement for, it was once considered non-essential, but thanks to new research that idea has been slowly changing.  Dr. Henry Schroeder, author of “The Trace Elements and Man” found in his early studies that indium supplementation increased the utilization of trace elements by 142%!  It also appears to aid or enhance the master hormone function (pituitary and hypothalamus glands) in the system.  These glands direct the function of 40 endocrine glands and help balance 31 hormones. Although much of this is not totally accepted in the medical arena, more studies are being done to prove indium’s benefits.  It appears to have some long-term positive effects on anti-aging, the immune system, brain function and sleep deprivation.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Iron

Iron is considered the energy giver or the red blood cell lifespan holder. The amount of usable Iron that you have in your bloodstream will help determine the lifespan of the red blood cells. Red blood cells normally die due to the lack of iron. Iron attracts oxygen, so the red blood cells, when combined with calcium, pick up oxygen and transport it to different parts of the body. Iron is the lifeblood of your system. Sufficient quantities of Iron, Manganese and Copper, in the proper balance, are necessary for healthy blood chemistry and are also essential for recovering from illnesses.

The human body has a very difficult time assimilating Iron, especially in a compound molecule form. The majority of Iron taken in will pass on through the intestinal system and cause a constipation problem in the lower intestines. Only elemental molecules of Iron may be usable.

Iron is stored in the blood, bone marrow, liver, spleen, and in trace amounts in every organ. It is needed within the organ for the oxygen transfer to happen from the blood into the organ itself. Iron deficiencies are quite common among both men and women, although women are more susceptible to being deficient because of their menstrual cycles. Without the proper amount of iron, the body cannot manufacture new hemoglobin. Iron, because of its electrical charge, helps the body rid itself of carbon dioxide and keeps the liver tissue soft. Nutrients, which produce vital blood proteins, cannot function without being in the presence of the Iron mineral. These proteins are used in food metabolism for digestion, elimination, circulation, and maintenance of blood pressure. So if your blood pressure is high or low, you may want to look at your Iron levels.

Vitamin C will help the absorption of Iron into the body. Many people are told they are slightly anemic without realizing that all that is an Iron deficiency. By increasing the amount of Iron in the body, the anemia will go away.

Some of the symptoms of Iron deficiency; anemia, anorexia, brittle nails, constipation, dizziness, depression, dysphasia, fatigue, lack of stamina, fragile bones, growth retardation, headaches, hair loss, unnaturally pale skin, and pica (craving to eat ice).WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6 years old. Keep this product out of reach of children. in case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Lithium

ABSORPTION: Involved with Sodium metabolism and transport in the nerves and muscles; associated with the involuntary (automatic) nervous system. For mental health, relieves depression violence, suicide, manic behavior, coronary heart illness, aids sluggish kidneys; relieves excess stomach gas, and gastric ulcers.

DEFICIENCY SIGNS: Aggravated by high sugar: Nervous and mental disorders, depression, attention deficit disorder, extreme behavior, rages and fits, the manic side of depression, paranoid schizophrenia, spouse abuse, suicide; lower growth rate, shorter life span, reproductive failure, and birth defects.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Magnesium

The general consensus among health practitioners is that the general public has become massively low in Magnesium. Many health practitioners have been giving large amounts of Magnesium to patients with different kinds of health problems, watching many of them slowly disappear.

Magnesium is known as a natural tranquilizer. It is also called an anti stress mineral because it has a natural effect in aiding the relaxation of nerves, and reliving tension. Magnesium also causes enzyme activation for the process of digesting protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Without the proper amount of Magnesium in the body you will not be able to have a normal digestive system.

Magnesium is also very important on a cellular level because it is one of the minerals that cause the electrical potential across the cell membranes. in other words, it is what causes the different products to actually go through the cell membrane so the cell metabolism may happen. Without the proper amount of Magnesium all of the food for the cell, or energy for the cell cannot get in to make the cell healthy. Many cells may die because of this causing a catastrophe within the body.

Magnesium is also important in the production and the transfer of the energy causing muscles to contract or relax and is used for nerve conductivity. Magnesium, combined with germanium and molybdenum, cause normal nerve function to happen. Once again we are seeing a combination of minerals where all of them must be present before normalization can be achieved in body. Just putting one or the other in the appropriate amounts will not totally solve the problem. It’s the combination together that makes everything work.

Magnesium is an aid in digestive regularity and also to keep the spinal vertebrae in the proper positions. It induces restful sleep, being a natural tranquilizer. If taken separately it should be taken before bedtime.

At the cellular level, Magnesium helps neutralize poisons in addition to purifying and purging body tissues of acids, toxins, gases and other impurities. It has also been known to help reduce fever. Magnesium is stored in the bowels, nerves, and ligaments. The bowels being a major storage place for Magnesium can have a devastating effect on the mineral balance if the body has a problem such as diarrhea or constipation. Because the Magnesium is totally depleted or bound up, much of it is not usable.

Some of the symptoms of Magnesium deficiency include asthma, anorexia, cramps, calcification of organs, calcification of small arteries, depression, ECG changes, growth failure, headaches, kidney stones, migraines, muscular weakness, muscle tremors, malignant calcification of tissue, muscle ticks, myocardial infraction, neuromuscular problems, PMS, vertigo, and wrinkles.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Manganese

Manganese, also called the “brain mineral,” is important in the utilization of all mental facilities/functions. It aids memory and other brain and nerve faculties. Though only found in trace amounts in the body, good health is impossible without it. It increases resistance and recuperative ability and, like iron, aids in oxygen transfer from lungs to cells.

Manganese strengthens tendons, tissues, ligaments and linings in the outside of organs. If the human body is well supplied with it (Manganese), various tissues, cells and nerves become more ductile, tensile and elastic.” (The Chemistry of Man by Bernard Jensen)

Manganese makes up part of a molecule known as mucopolysaccharides, which are used to form collagen, the strong fibrous connective material that builds tissue, bone and cartilage. This mesh of collagen is the framework on which calcium, magnesium and other bone hardening minerals are deposited.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a painful condition in which arm tendons are weak or damaged, is a sign of a Manganese deficiency. Deafness, if due to damage of the cartilage of the ear, can be attributed partially to a deficiency in Manganese. Manganese has a positive effect on the libido by increasing energy levels and the brain’s ability to receive and send messages. It also helps the reproductive organs to work properly because of its effect on tissues and nerves. Production of sex hormones is aided by Manganese. It can help reduce menstrual cramps and PMS. Manganese is stored half in the bones and the remainder in the liver, pancreas, pituitary gland and kidneys.

Some symptoms of Manganese deficiency: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, deafness, depression, gout, hearing problems, infertility, loss of libido in both sexes, lack of concentration, memory loss/mental confusion, miscarriages or still births, Multiple Sclerosis, nerve problems, poor muscle co-ordination, PMS, retarded growth rate, ringing in ears (Tinnitus), stiff tendons, stuttering and tremors.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Molybdenum

Molybdenum is very important in regulating the pH balance in the body. For each one tenth of a pH point difference, the oxygen level in the blood may increase or decrease by ten times. As a result, this has a direct effect upon on the metabolism and the body’s ability to burn fat. If the body doesn’t have enough oxygen, the metabolism cannot oxidize enough to bum fat.

There are very small amounts of Molybdenum in the body, but it is a very important mineral. Molybdenum is very important to the enzyme systems and is necessary for many enzyme systems to actually work. Molybdenum produces the enzyme that causes the metabolism to metabolize iron. Molybdenum triggers the enzyme system to eliminate toxic nitrogen waste by turning it into uric acid. The uric acid then can be processed and easily flushed out of the system.

Molybdenum also aids in carbohydrate metabolism and is useful in chemically sensitive people helping to neutralize some of the sensitivity. Dental enamel is very rich in Molybdenum. Although Molybdenum helps to induce sleep, it also helps promote a general sense of well-being. With Molybdenum’s ability to change the body’s ph, it is very beneficial in treatment of many severe illnesses in helping to control virus and parasites. A high amount of Molybdenum in the body could interfere with the absorption of copper in the body.

This trace mineral has been found to free iron from the liver so that it can carry oxygen to the body’s tissues and cells.  It is a component of zanthine oxidase – an enzyme involved in the conversion of nucleic acid to uric acid/waste elimination

Some symptoms of Molybdenum deficiency include acne, aids, allergies, anemia, anthrax, asthma, athlete’s foot, Bell’s Palsy, bladder infection, cancer, Candida, canker sores, cavities, common cold, influenza, depression, diabetes, e. coil, eczema, Epstein Barr virus, gout, Gulf War Syndrome, Hepatitis C, Herpes Simplex, impotency, insomnia, liver damage, Cirrhosis, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea and/or vomiting, night blindness, obesity, parasites, prostate infection, and ringworm.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Platinum

Platinum is very important because it has an effective way of killing disease causing bacteria, fungus, and viruses. By being able to neutralize these will help boost the immune system because the immune system is not being attacked as much.

Many of the symptoms that Platinum helps to relieve may be because of its ability to kill viruses or other foreign matter that may be affecting the body.

Platinum is also a very strong natural antiviral mineral. It is even used in treatment of cancer patients as a base for many chemotherapy patients in some hospitals, although they do not use it in the all-natural form. In the early 1970’s, Platinum was mixed in the dies used to be injected into lumps in woman’s breast for better accuracy in reading X-rays. Many of these lumps were reported as shrinking or even disappearing after the use of the dye. Platinum has since been replaced by a radioactive chemical.

Some symptoms of Platinum deficiency include back pain, cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, glandular dysfunction, headaches, PMS, insomnia, brain fog, nerve damage, neuralgia, and poor concentration.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Potassium

Potassium is called the “alkalizer.” It neutralizes acids and restores alkaline salts to the blood stream. Potassium works with sodium in all cells including at nerve synapses to maintain or restore membrane potentials and assist in metabolic processes. Potassium is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function, regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells and facilitating muscle energy.

Potassium also regulates water balance, assists recuperative powers, aids rheumatic or arthritic conditions (causing acids to leave the joints and ease stiffness), is vital for the elimination of wastes, is a natural pain desensitizer, helps control convulsions, headaches and migraines, promotes faster healing of cuts, bruises and other injuries and generally contributes to a sense of well being.

Potassium is stored the muscles.

Some symptoms of Potassium deficiency: bad circulation, bluish tint to skin, Chronic-Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, earaches, edema, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, intestinal pain, muscle weakness, oppressive breathing, pain in the eyes, prolapsed uterus, swollen glands, tissue anemia and water retention.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Selenium

Selenium is a natural antioxidant. It naturally reduces the tension of toxic metals in the body. It also helps promote normal body growth and enhances fertility while encouraging the tissue elasticity.

Selenium, combined with Vitamin E, causes many metabolic functions to operate. The Selenium count in the body is very critical to a patient with cancer. A normal Selenium count will never be found in a cancer patient. Selenium is also very important to the pituitary gland for normal operation. Selenium is stored in muscles and many other tissues including, the liver and kidneys. Selenium is very critical for proper functioning of the heart muscle.  Selenium is very rare in the soil as a trace mineral in the United States.

Some of the symptoms of Selenium deficiency include age and liver spots, Alzheimer’s, anemia, cancer, cardiomyopathy, cirrhosis of the liver, Cystic Fibrosis, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, heart disease, heart palpitations, HIV, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, muscle weakness, pancreatic atrophy, pancreatitis, Parkinson’s Disease, premature aging, Scoiosis, and Sickle Cell Anemia.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Silver

Silver has traditionally been used as a natural alternative to antibiotics. Unlike antibiotics that indiscriminately kill all bacteria, silver is selective. It destroys only the anaerobic bacteria, while leaving the aerobic bacteria unharmed. Typically, the anaerobic (nitrogen breathing) bacteria are the ones that make us sick. Aerobic (oxygen breathing) bacteria are usually the good guys, like the acidophilus we need in our intestines to help our digestive system function properly.

Water-soluble Silver may be used internally to fight illness or infection. By using Silver, one may combat the invading bacteria (and viruses), without upsetting the balance within the intestine. Regular antibiotics kill all the intestinal bacteria including the good ones, allowing yeast organisms opportunity to overpopulate the body. That causes problems. Using Silver instead of regular antibiotics does have some advantages. When there is an infected area of the body and water-soluble Silver is applied to that area externally, the area turns red. One could think that the infection is getting worse except that there is no increase in the pain associated with the infection. Then the color disappears, and so does the pain.

From all appearances, it would seem that applying water-soluble Silver to the body externally has the ability to pull infection to the surface and kill it. Interesting! Silver has been used for thousands of years for health care. It is believed that Silver is a systemic disinfectant and works like a secondary immune system.

“What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that Silver killed bacteria, which has been known for centuries; when antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for Silver as an antibiotic were discarded.”

— Dr. Robert O. Becker, M. D.

Some symptoms of Silver deficiency and some diseases where the use of Silver may be beneficial include Anthrax, Athlete’s Foot, boils, Candida, Cerebrospinal meningitis, colitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diphtheria, diplococcus, dysentery, E. Coll, gonorrhea, impetigo, infections, influenza, intestinal trouble, pneumococci, ringworm, shingles, staphylococci, tuberculosis, warts and whooping cough.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Sulfur

Sulfur is known as a healing mineral. It aids every cell in the elimination of toxic substances through agitation. Sulfur aids in enzyme reactions and protein synthesis. It also plays an important rote in cellular respiration. Sulfur is the flexible bond that connects cells; it is the lubricant found between joints. A deficiency of water-soluble Sulfur can lead to a variety of conditions ranging from skin irritations and rashes to total breakdown of cellular regeneration. Pain and inflammation associated with various muscle and skeletal disorders indicate a deficiency of Sulfur.

It is believed that Sulfur can repair the myelin sheath, the protector on the end of every nerve in the body. Damage to the myelin sheath causes the shaking condition in palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Lorenzo’s Disease, and many other disease conditions where motor functions are uncontrollable.

Chronic or severe allergies to materials such as dust, pollen, wool, animal hair, feathers, etc. (with symptoms ranging from respiratory congestion to inflammation, itching and general discomfort) can be relieved with Sulfur. It increases blood circulation, reduces back pain, relieves migraine headaches, promotes muscle healing, scavenges free radicals, beautifies the skin, relieves allergies to food, controls acidity in stomach ulcers, is important for carbohydrate metabolism, and speeds wound healing. Sulfur is stored in the brain, nerves, bowel, liver, and in all of the body’s cells, especially skin, hair and nails.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Tin

Very little research has actually been done on the mineral Tin.  Some research has linked hair loss and hearing loss to low levels of the mineral Tin.

Many chemical and physical properties of Tin have been monitored as similar to those of germanium, but have not yet been proven. Tin is concentrated primarily in the adrenal glands, but is also found in the liver, brain, spleen, and thyroid.

Some symptoms of Tin deficiency include hair loss, hearing loss, and male pattern baldness.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Vanadium

Vanadium is a mineral that most people have never even heard of, especially in reference to its functions within the human body.  It is absorbed in the brain, central nervous system and circulatory system.

Vanadium is a mineral that many people should pay close attention to because it is known to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, inhibits cholesterol in blood vessels, and alleviate build-up in the central nervous system. It is believed to help reduce the onset of heart attacks by supporting contractions of the heart muscle.

Vanadium is also known to lower elevated blood sugar readings. When combined with chromium, Vanadium is very efficient in working on diabetics and hypoglycemics. Vanadium helps regulate the circulatory systems. People on the weight loss or weight gain roller coaster should consider taking Vanadium because this is one major place that it helps balance everything out.

If you have chronic thirst or frequent urination problems, it could be a sign of a possible Vanadium deficiency.  Some symptoms of Vanadium deficiency include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, infertility, metabolic dysfunction, and obesity.

Water-Soluble, nano-sized Zinc

Many people in our society are very deficient in Zinc. One of the largest symptoms of Zinc deficiency is underarm odor. Many companies have made a multi-billion dollar industry out of Zinc deficiency in a normal person.  Zinc deficiency can also lead to a wide variety of degenerative diseases. Food processing many times will totally deplete any Zinc in the food we eat. Without Zinc in our diets, the proper assimilation of vitamins is nearly impossible.

Normal growth and development of young people is very dependant upon Zinc. The normal maintenance of body tissue, sexual functions, and chemical detoxification is all closely related to the amount of Zinc in the body. It is also very important in the workings of the immune system and the actual synthesis of the DNA in the cell.

Recovery time after a major surgery is greatly increased with the proper amount of Zinc in the body. Zinc is considered an anti oxidant, and must be in proper balance to assist over 25 enzymatic functions, including digestion, metabolism, and reproduction. Low amounts of Zinc during pregnancy can result in numerous birth defects, such as Down’s Syndrome, Cleft Palate, Spina Bifida, clubbed limbs, hernias, and umbilical cord hernias.

Zinc is a natural anti bacterial and antiviral mineral. Zinc is found in all of the different fluids of the body, especially those including moisture, such as the eyes, lungs, nose, urine, and saliva. Because of its presence in all of the bodily fluids, it is a front line defense against infection-causing bacteria and viruses trying to enter the body. It does this by actually stopping the replication process of the virus or bacteria.  Zinc is stored in the thyroid, panaceas, liver, kidneys, bones, voluntary muscles, prostate, sperm, skin, hair, nails, white corpuscles, and the whites of the eyes.

Some symptoms of Zinc deficiency include angina, Alzheimer’s Disease, anemia, anthrax, alcoholism, acne, anorexia or bulimia, body odor, birth defects, cavities, Cohn’s Disease, depression, diabetes, free radical damage, eye diseases, herpes, hypertension, hair loss, infertility, infection, loss of smell and taste, miscarriages, obesity, PMS, still births, thyroid disorders, and urinary tract disorders.

Vitamin references begin here:

A (Beta-carotene/Retinol)

B1 (Thiamine)

B2 (Riboflavin)

B3 (Niacin)

B6 (Pyridoxine)

B11 (Inositol)

B12 (Cobalamin)

Co Q 10 (Brain Function)

C (Ascorbic Acid)

D (Alfacalcidol)

E (Alpha-tocopherol)

H (Biotin/Coenzyme R)

M (Folic Acid/Folacin)


Disclaimer: This information is not intended to take the place of qualified medical advice. It is not our intent to make any claims to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, teat of cure any disease whatsoever with this information. It is strictly for educational purposes only.

“Health is a dynamic process.”

Naturopathic Medicine is founded on the simple premise of the healing power of nature. The goal of the naturopathic physician is to restore the normal functioning of the body through the use of natural substances and treatments that enhance the body’s own healing abilities.

It views the individual as an integral whole, and symptoms of disease are seen as indicators of improper functioning and unfavorable habits of lifestyle. As a result, a primary goal of treatment is to address the underlying cause of illness and to avoid treatments that might cause new illness and complicate the existing process.

Naturopathic Methods

Naturopathic medicine is defined primarily by its fundamental principles. Methods and modalities are selected and applied based upon these principles in relationship to the individual needs of each patient. Diagnostic and therapeutic methods are selected from various sources and systems and will continue to evolve with the progress of knowledge.

Naturopathic Practice

Naturopathic practice includes the following diagnostic and treatment modalities: utilization of all methods of clinical and laboratory diagnostic testing including diagnostic radiology and other imaging techniques, nutritional medicine, dietetics and therapeutic fasting; medicines of mineral, animal and botanical origin, hygiene and public health measures; homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, psychotherapy and counseling; minor surgery and naturopathic obstetrics (natural childbirth), naturopathic physical medicine (including naturopathic manipulative therapies), the use of hydrotherapies, heat, cold, ultrasound, and therapeutic exercise.

Naturopathic practice excludes major surgery and the use of most synthetic drugs.

Allergens are everywhere in our environment, both indoors and outdoors. Everything from pollen, mold, animals and dust to industrial smoke or pollution can trigger an allergic response in sensitive individuals. With the increase of mask usage and PPE, allergy cases have increased exponentially.

Many people turn to over the counter or prescription remedies in their search for relief and find their allergic symptoms replaced by medication side-effects such as sleepiness, dizziness or agitation. We have other options for you to focus on your immune system’s defense to fight allergies naturally.


Quercetin is a flavonoid that is found in a wide variety of vegetables and herbs such as tea, broccoli, red apples and onions. It actually inhibits the production of enzymes (histamines) in the body that can cause allergic reactions. Studies show that the efficacy of quercetin is boosted when combined with Vitamin C. This vitamin is already famous as an antioxidant and continued studies show it has an ability to prevent the secretion of histamine by the white blood cells while increasing the detoxification of histamines circulating in the bloodstream.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a natural amino acid derivative, with a well-documented ability to break down mucous and precipitate sinus drainage.

Fresh nettle leaf is a well-known traditional remedy for allergic reactions. In a recent double-blind study using freeze-dried fresh nettle leaf, researchers found that the herb relieved allergy symptoms in over half of the participating patients. Freeze-dried nettle leaf acts like a sponge to absorb the histamine activity, and helps to decrease allergy symptoms.

Good health depends on a healthy and viable immune system. The liver is a critical component in the proper functioning of the immune system. When addressing general health issues, most natural health care practitioners first assess liver function.

The liver is responsible for producing most of the lymph in the body and for breaking down a wide array of toxins and waste products. If the liver is not able to effectively remove these toxins from the body, one of the next avenues of waste removal is the lungs and sinuses.

Your gut is the main part of your immune system, making up 80% of your immune defenses. Probiotics support the gut, and are essential for health and wellness.

There are several traditional herbs that have a long history of safe and effective use, providing nutritional support to the liver, thus helping to improve liver function and elimination. These herbs include: organic milk thistle, burdock root and dandelion root.

For allergy sufferers, an important key to consider in the search for relief is that of overall health. Typically, a healthier body has a stronger immune system to protect it and also generates a more favorable response to remedies that work to nurture health rather than mask symptoms.